southern sessions part1
tobestar, jmc, marky, stamina mc – southernsessions part2
marky, stamina mc – southern sessions part3
marky, soulsource, ryan – southernsessions part4
ryan, tobestar – southernsessions part5
more info:
edit: i downloaded part3 and its a bit dodgy the first 20-30 mins, it gets better tho…
edit2: seems to be fixed now…
Ob der Wicked weiß, dass er jetzt bald ne teure Rechnung kriegt???? ;o]
Nice guys, great music and a good variety of styles and beats!!!!
der hat keine Ahnung! :P
Part 5 seems to be broken
should be online later…
Part 3 is really messed up at the beginning
nö, die Rechnung bekommt Jonsonn (JB Hosting) ;)
er hat den Webspace spendiert und 200 GB Traffic !
hier die Pictures von einer unvergesslichen Nacht :
(southern sessions junior cartel)
what a fuckin great mix! great selection with goód atmosphere !
where is that tob-star guy from ?
This party must have been wicked ??”!”””””