- Teebee – Live At Fresh FM 10/07/05 (128kbps, 72mins)
The man behind Subtitles Music played an exclusive mix for the Turbulence show on Adelaide’s Fresh FM.
Please no direct streaming.
host: dnbarena.ru
Full Show Tracklisting:
Commix – Untitled
D Bridge + Artificial Inteligence – Better Days
Ill Skills – Beneath the Mask (Rmx)
State of Mind – Sun King
Matrix – Chrystalized
TeeBee – Catch my Breath
TeeBee – State of Unrest
Phace – Untitled
-rec start-
TeeBee – Retro Funk
Pendulum – Voodoo People (Rmx)
Calyx – Follow The Leader Vip
Photek – Love and War
Infiltrata and Hotchi – Hit ‘em Hard
Matrix – Strength To Strength
Noisia – Block Control VIP
Noisia and Bad Company – Meditation
Noisia – Concussion
Noisia – The Tide
Noisia – Brain Stitch
Photek – Two Swords (Teebee Rmx)
TeeBee – Snake Funk
Calyx – Are You Ready (Rmx)
Hive – The Definition
Phace – Hot Rock (Turbulence Tune of The Week)
-rec end-
Fresh – Computer
Phetsa – Blur
Concord Dawn – You DOn’t Have to Run
Is it just me, or does this set start off with the Voodoo People Rmx (after what I assume is a commercial break) and go right into Follow the Leader VIP? I also thought I heard the Bacteria Rmx in there as well. Am I right, or am I missing something?
The Set is down:
All links removed at Teebee’s request, he was unaware this set was recorded. I know he really hates having to do this kind of thing but please respect the artists involved who don’t want their tunes to be rinsed at home before they’re ready to come out and don’t post the link again.
no fun :(
above you see the full tracklisting. the recorded set starts around
TeeBee – Retro Funk / Pendulum – Voodoo People (Rmx)..
now some anonymous guy has to up this on some fileservice and post the link here :D
:( :( :(
that was 2 easy :D
whoops, if it’s not allowed by teebee, remove the link then ok? cheers
Unaware my foot, everything is recorded either audio, video or other wise– we are all connected. He is an asshole for asking it to be removed. He shouldn’t play out if he doesn’t want peoples tunes heard or his mixing. That goes for all Djs big and small. For every Dj/producer that wants a set/tune pulled, it will get triple the distro.
hahaha been reading about this on doa. seriously if he really was that stupid to play exclusive dubs on a webshow/radio he deserves all he gets. big up to Fre4knc ;)
thats right, remove it from the server or stfu
hmmmmmmm…. seems to me someone played out some tunes they shouldn’t have had in the first place :badteeth:
why else wouldnt he want the set to be distributed across the net… or is it a marketing ploy to get peeps craving for this set?
Photek – Two swords?
I thought it’s a rmx of ni ten ichi ryu
it’s crap anyways
Well I certainly think its just marketing scheme, as lekke said it before. You know. Say you have played Dubs and then say you didn’t know it wil be recorded. Then everyone goes mad about it und downloads that stuff and voila: MORE PUBLICITY!
its a boring set anyway
well standard affair by teebee again, noisia/calyx/himself…wouldn’t of bothered downloading anyways
ok….teebee came to baltimore last month and i was talkin to him about some of his sets i’ve gotten off of here, he really didnt know about this situation….also, i was disappointed when i saw him live=( he also didnt want to blaze up with me, but he had some sexy chick, so that was understandable. he was just using CD mixers and playing tracks(mighty fine tracks tho)…..
i think he just goes thru the motions sometimes and dosnt want that kind of shit floatin around….i still luv teebee tho! its fucked up he took the set off…
hallo people can’t you read what Fre4knc wrote?
works just fine ;)
oh dam, not anymore :s
my bad
LOL – teebee what a fool,
really its not that bad having his set online, this was when he played here in Adelaide (south Aus) last weekend. he was one of the head liners for a big Stupid rave here called Enchanted, eh oh well nothing lost
wtf is going on? …music to the people! ;)
….but this mix didn’t reach his selfmade “hype” o_O
i heard about trouble because of that “noisia – the tide” track.
if you shouldn’t (or won’t) publish exclusive tunes, why play them on air ?
interesting thread on doa
quite an interesting thread over there at DOA: I read it all whilst listening to the “banned” set! haha.
The funny thing is that I probably wouldn’t have grabbed the set if it hadn’t been for all the controversy. Once it got taken down, I was like “Oooooh. Must find it.”
from russia with love…
teebee is an asshole i have lost respect for him
I am gay, but prefer the term faggot.
cut every damn dub out of the mix and do cut and paste dub edits so they are playable, play them out at your local scene or abroad on your CDJs, mirrors shall not cease.
“Still don’t give a damn and I never gave a fuck.”
wtf is this http://miosis.blogspot.com/ ?
it seems to be a copy of breaksblog…lol
so stfu mio.
hehe.. he also has linked his pics to breaksblog. so, why not change the names and add some nice x-rated or other fun stuff pics to the original names? that would be fun!
Don’t forget to says thanks on http://dnbarena.ru/mix/ blogger =) and on their forum =)
biggups to dnbarena.ru… now mentioned in the post..
n1 mix. funny laughing from the girls….. :D *lol*
teebee was here in adelaide for enchanted on the weekend and absolutely teared it up.
so what if he used cd decks, he was scratching over vinyl.
lets hear YOU mix.
respect the man’s decision.
even i got in shit that night for recording a video of his set
why doesnt teebee just not bother, I mean if we cant hear the dubs in a shitty mp3 radio mix, whats the point. People who live out of the city, dont get a chance to go to a venue every week and here the new dubs, shitty mp3 mixes like this is how we here whats going down. I think teebee should chill out.
oh mann :)
wow, some nice bunch of idiots here too…
о заебиÑÑŒ mix!
suffering from a severe hangover so excuse any mistakes.
Teebee should get off his high horse and stop acting like some self proclaimed drum & bass superstar. Yes his production and sets are good, but no better than a load of other d&b producers, just check out the chris.SU mix this month!!
First he disses REASON for allowing loads of newcomers to produce tunes (it results in loads of crap being released apparently), then he starts acting like a little bitch about a mix he has got PAID money to do, and only 3 tracks are by him anyways.
Well nu:tone made his LP using reason and is a better producer than the arrogant bastard, and most of his mix is Noisia tracks so maybe they should be annoyed, not Teebee! Teebee’s sets all sound the same anyways, VARIETY is the spice of life as they say, but he obviously doesnt think so.
Just for all this bollocks I downloaded this mix, and also his legacy LP which I copied onto cd and gave to my mates. So up yours! I didnt even like it
please STFU Strafe you’ re a little bitch urself u dont know shit
oh come onnnnnnnnnnnnn its all a marketing ploy – if you really wanna have something removed from the net you go talk to the people serving the content… you dont go bitch about it on a public board
another thing is cussing on breaksblog without any real arguments. people like Fred here should just not post if thats all they have to say. i am against censorship but shit posts like this don’t deserve the bandwidth nor the disk space. come on people, show some respect for this website.
does teebee go on like this with all his sets? i’m thinking after listening, that he is maybe a little ashamed of this set, its not his usual standard.
no offence taken friend.. lets hope you get the help you clearly need ey! nurse!!
Fuck Teebee and his sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
….oh mann!
i really can’t understand, what all the fuzz is about. i guess Teebee reached his goal marketingwise, because even people that are dissing him in this thread already downloaded the set. imho, if you don’t like Teebee, then just don’t listen to him and don’t bother other people on this forum with your childish remarks. over and out!
DNB is shit these days.
Teebee is down there with Pendulum now.
Pendulum will try to earn money off their only bassline for years to come.
Teebee sucked a bag of dicks on this mix. if i knew it was recorded, i would be freaking out too.
– Controliiing the world one beat at a time.
I’m a good friend of Teebee……he has worked real hard 2 be at da top…….or at least among da top DJ’s…..all of those who doesn’t like him……please fuck off,don’t listen 2 his music,don’t buy his music.BOO.