- DJ Randall – DOA & Serato Mix Series #4 12/2009 | mirror (320kbps, 61mins)
info: myspace.com/ranstar88
DJ “Daddy” Randall (MAC2) is delivering a straight forward drum and bass mix for DOA and Serato Scratch. While I still prefer vinyl as a format, this is a mighty fine mix of new and old tunes by a legend in Drum and Bass. There is a Q&A regarding Serato Scratch on DOA aswell. Ol’ Dillinja, Bladerunner, AI, Calibre, Intalex, Heist and more inside.
I’ve been playing with vinyl for about 10 years. I tried a pure mp3/midi thing with jog wheel and hated it. Got serato and while I have to find the room for a laptop (and find something else to record through) I think its an incredible piece of tech… bit renty though.
@Phil Cooper, depending on what Serato box you have and what you’re trying to record, you can do it all through the software.
If you want to rip your old vinyl on the left hand side, just above the crate list, there is the recording controls. Select one of the inputs, check your levels, hit the big red button and you’re away laughing!
If you want to record mixes, you need the SL3. Same as above, except select the Aux input, which you’ll need to have hooked up to a record out or something similar on your mixer (I personally use the booth out, because my monitors at home run off the main output).
Hope this helps!
serato scratch live is a great product that i have been using about 3 years, but nothing beats vinyl and a record collection. what has more meaning to your existence, a hard drive or a record collection? . .. not really a hard one to answer.
Phat mix mate!
1. ? – ?
2. ? – ?
3. ? – ?
4. Fresh – Heavyweight
5. DKay & DJ Lee – Tuning VIP
6. SPY – Slum Dub
7. Bladerunner – Mercenary Dub
8. ? – ?
9. C4C – Something Else/Sensor (Break Remix)
10. Commix – Be True
11. ? – ?
12. Digital/Outrage? – ?
13. Dillinja – Silverblade
14. ? – ?
15. ? – ?
16. A.I. – Days Of Rage
17. Calibre – Mr. Maverick
18. SPY – Moon Patrol
19. Sub Focus – World Of Hurts
2. Total Science & spy – Gansta (shogun audio) tease dillinja – silver blade
tune is called gangsta