- DJ Loxy – Broken Audio Podcast Vol 9 12/2009 | mirror | podcast (128kbps, 66mins)
info: myspace.com/loxydj, myspace.com/brokenaudiorecordings
As 2009 draws to a close Broken Audio would like to say thanks to everyone who showed their support throughout the year for Broken Audio Records, so as a thank you gesture we are very proud to present a special guest mix from none other than the bigman LOXY, label owner of Cylon & Xtinction Agenda and resident at Renagade Hardware.
Deep dark and dangerous mix by Loxy for Broken Audio Recordings. Sophisticated selection, flawless blends and a fitting hip-hop outro make this mix a keeper. Badboy.
I approve this.
tracklist plz
LOXY!!! massive!
really need a tracklist on this, superb mix!
Big ups who ever posted the Loxy mix up, and thanks to Loxy for doing the podcast for us :D